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Fresno Aquarium

designed by Fresno’s own
world-renowned architect
Arthur Dyson, FAIA
is being built on our 10 acres along Hwy 99
overlooking the San Joaquin River

Fire Hydrant
Pipe T
Fire Hydrant
Children Experience the Ocean

Your tax-deductible support is urgently needed to build our very first building!

Please click on the Block:

As of today, you've purchased 2,265 blocks out of 5,100
(Only 2,835 left to go!)

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Oct 22

2023 Charter Member Dinner

People enjoying our annual Charter member Dinner

Charter Members enjoyed a delicious dinner at the Sunnyside Country Club this year. Members and guests watched and listened to an update on our current programs and the Fresno Aquarium project and also had plenty of time to socialize while listening…

Oct 15

2022 Charter Member Dinner

guests enjoying charter member dinner outdoors

Every year, we thank our generous Charter Members with a FREE dinner! Click here for more photos.

It’s Charter Members and Donors just like you who make our current nonprofit educational programs in our schools possible and keep the Fresno Aquarium project moving forward! Many of our Charter Members are also Donors to the Fresno Aquarium and know how important it is to support both current and future programs.

Jun 11

Groundbreaking Celebration

Aquaculture Groundbreaking
On May 25, 2016, local dignitaries and invited guests joined our nonprofit’s board of directors as they honored Roy and Betty Jura, the donors of the Fresno Aquarium property, at a groundbreaking celebration. To watch videos about our groundbreaking, be sure to visit and subscribe to our YouTube Channel.