Betty Jane Jura
Betty Jane Jura, age 94, of Fresno, California passed away on Monday, August 22, 2022. Betty was born June 13, 1928 in Fort Madison, Iowa.

She and her husband Roy first donated 5, then 10 acres of their land to the Fresno Aquarium in 2006.
Betty Jane Wood married Roy Jura in 1950 and were farmers as they raised their children, Scott, Teri and Keith.
Aquarius Aquarium Institute Charter Members will always remember the fun Charter Member dinners on the front lawn of the Jura residence, just downstream from the Fresno Aquarium property and the enthusiastic support that Betty and Roy had for the Aquarium project from its very beginnings.
Betty is survived by her three children, 6 grandchildren and 14 great grandchildren.
Her bubbly presence at our events and fundraisers will be greatly missed. The photos below are from a trip Fresno Aquarium supporters took to the Moody Gardens Aquarium in Galveston, Texas.